Woo a Doom 3 mod there, TribesRPG seems intriguing as well...
@Gimmick maybe you'd appreciate The War of Art, if you haven't read it already. ;) Speaks a lot about disicpline; getting things done. Parkinson's Law is all too easily applicable whenever you have time to spare, though theoretically it seems great to have time over IMO it makes it all the more difficult to keep a sense of satisfacion and accomplishment with how you manage your days; actually feel like you're getting somewhere in life... maybe that's just me though. I feel I feel the best when the margins for procrastination just aren't there, and of course there's always something to do if you look for it. Can never learn enough. Good luck with whatever workflow's optimal for you!
I still have all such old cut-off conversations bookmarked. XD We may have something such on the backburner too...
Hey, I received your PM but my alt account got locked since I forgot its password (lol) so I'm replying as a comment instead, hope that's alright!
The programming forum IS pretty dead, but the way I see it, as long as it's on the front page it should be fair game to respond to any thread. Whether people will see it or not is an entirely different matter though because realistically there aren't too many people who browse the programming forum - it exists in a weird niche because most of the posts that people could make in the forum could ALSO just end up making it in the Game Development forum, so the end result is that people either just post in the GD forum because they see there's slightly more activity there, or they don't really care about receiving a timely response for the posts in the Programming forum. As a result, there's also very few regulars to the forum either - I can count like 2 or 3 at most, and even I only check in now and then to see if I haven't missed any new threads.
StackOverflow still sucks for the same reasons as the past, but at least there's some attempt at making progress on their toxicity - although I still only use it to browse existing answers. I don't know too many other programming communities besides those on reddit, and to the contrary it feels like (on the game dev front at least) places have only ended up shutting down as time has passed.
At the moment, I'm not up to much. Just waiting for my thesis defence and to finish graduating, and then maybe I might finish some of the projects I'd started a helluva long time ago (I covered those in my previous newsposts, if you're interested - but it's essentially vaporware in a sense)
But a side effect of all but graduating now is that I don't have much to do lol. Feels like I'm just pissing each day away on distractions. Maybe that'll stop next month as I intend to finish or start some projects, but we'll see. Seeing as I end up wanting to close my code editor just from seeing the huge amount of work that is required to see a project through to completion...I think step one is figuring out how NOT to cave in to that lol.
Cool projects by the way! I haven't played the games the mods are based off of, but it's always wonderful to see work on them even if for "nostalgia". Reminds me of Daggerfall Unity, a (pretty much) one-man project which was started by a guy ("Interkarma') to try and revitalize Daggerfall, which took a looong time but is finally complete.
Also, if you like long conversations, you might want to talk to @Cyberdevil. Of course, the nature of long conversations (for me at least) is that things kind of tend to get cut off abruptly at a certain point because the mental load of typing a response makes procrastination all too easy; there's probably a few posts that I've been meaning to respond to since forever, but I just can't find them anymore...
You're good bud, sorry you lost your password! Contact mods. TomFulp if you abs. must. He's active and will forward things responsibly if you're genuinely screwed.
I will try to be more active in the Programming forum. You raise a good point about the forum activity. The same is true about "Clubs" vs "Art" -- the Art forum is far more active, so when people post on Clubs they often get upset over lack of engagement. GD seems to overwhelm everything else in terms of "clubs", you're right, but that only covers (x)ML languages. Tough situation.
You're not pissing away each day. You've living life! Sometimes, things are slow, and that's OK. Just keep trying new things. In our field, all ya gotta do is keep learning. It doesn't even matter what you learn, y'know? It all helps.
I will check out your News tomorrow, and am glad you enjoyed a mod preview! You can see the Doom 3 mod in action here with all its horrors ("UltraViolence") in video form, no playing required ;).
W/ respect to Daggerfall: that's an ordeal. Some Czech tried to claim ownership over upscaling of original Bethesda assets, and then tried to attack me :). Nexus easily sided with me. LOL. The mod lives on. Very happy to be spreading my stuff out these days.
You'll find things to do in your spare time, I have no doubt. If you get your account back, or roll a new one, shoot me a note. I will check out this Cyberdevil tomorrow and may ping them.
I realize this doesn't address everything, but I've been chatting ALL day and need to hit the sack :). Hope you recover your account!